Monday, January 28, 2008

New Projects


I have completed several new projects but I still need to take pictures and post them. I finished 2 bandanas for me that I use quite often at the gym and a couple of dishcloths using the bandana pattern then decreasing with k2tog after the yo and later that row with a ssk. They both turned out ok and I'm keeping these two anyway. I'm trying to use some of the leftover cotton yarn so these dishcloths are multi-colored.

I finally decided to start another Beanie for Angelica and believe or not - I FINISHED THIS ONE... YAY!!! I used the House Hat pattern from "Charmed Knits". I love this pattern - nice and simple, although when I tried starting the smaller size for Jonathan I would have had to use dpn's and I just did NOT want to do that yet so I used size 3 and cast on 110 st. I'll be starting to decrease today but it looks like it will fit. I have been requested to make a few for my co-worker Angie's husband and kids. I was so excited about the first one that I took it to work on Friday to show her. I'm going to make several more with our swim team colors and give one to each of the kids and coaches.

On the Weight Front...

I weigh in tomorrow, however I have lost 10 lbs and have gained lots of muscle. I can do 20 push-ups without straining myself and chin-ups are becoming easier too. I enjoy exercising now and have decided to do a 5K Easter Run/Walk with Jonathan. We did 1 1/2 miles on Saturday night and will go again tonight.

I'm using the training schedule from Cool Running - "From the Couch to 5K in 2 Months". We will start out slow - 3 times a week for 20-30 minutes including stretching. I have to buy some very good shoes today so I don't kill my feet. I just wish I could get Jonathan not to talk so much while running. He just does NOT realize I am unable to talk at that time.

I'm going to knit for 20 min then take Angelica to the bus.

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